Sunday, June 29, 2008

Muchos Gracias el Presidente!!!

Chad Corriveau
Monterey Peninsula Sunrise Rotary Club

Club Flags exchange on June 24th Mtg

Congratulations to the new Paul Harris Fellows!..

Vicki Nelson and Yavuz Atila received their PHF pins and certificates from President Chad Corriveau on June 24th meeting.

MPSRC Kick Out 2008/Bocce Tournament

Kick out 2008 at the customs house plaza. Thanks to incoming President Jeff H. and especially to Vicki and Sam and everyone else that helped organize the fun. The Bocce tournament had 16 teams to start with lots of rookies . The final 2 teams pitted the Corriveaus (not including me) and the Churchs. Trevor and Chloe had to survive a semi-final match which found them down 3-0 after 2 rounds, winning by scoring 4 points on their final throw. In the final both Carol and Tad had smooth strokes that found them close to the title but were edged out by a pinpoint throw in the final round. I guess it was destiny at that point. Good luck to Jeff next year and thanks again for everyones help during my year.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

MPSRC Newest Member

Our newest member. Patrick O. is sponsored by Young K. Classification is real estate. A true irishman and another golfer added to the club. This will help i am sure. Please sit at Patricks tablet and get to know him and maybe he will tell you some Ireland stories!!! Welcome Patrick

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Yo Puedo, Queretaro, Mexico

Activities seem to never stop here in Guanajuato, México and May was no exception. The first weekend the city was filled with Rotarians from five states to celebrate the annual District Conference held in Guanajuato. This conference helped me connect with other clubs in the surrounding areas to coordinate my presentations in conjunction with possible service activities, which I can partake in during my visit. I heard a rumor that some California representatives were present at the District Conference, so I set out on a mission to find the gringos. Sure enough, I found them, District 5240, all eight of them. To top off the ROTARY filled weekend I met four amazing women from India (who were on the Group Study Exchange). We bonded and shared many laughs about the adjustment to Méxican culture.

District 5240 represents at Guanajuato, Mexico District Conference 2008

IndiaGroup Study Exchange Participants

Shortly after this conference, the District Governor, Al Cipres, invited me to interpret at a business dinner with the Mayor of Salinas, California. I was thrilled that he thought of me and with close proximity of Salinas to Monterey, I was excited to have a visitor from home. The Mayor, Dennis Donahue (also a Rotarian), was in town to celebrate the sister city agreement between Salinas and Guanajuato.

During this meeting I learned that opportunities follow those that pursue them and/or you have to pursue opportunities. As a result, one thing led to another and we discovered literacy in Salinas is a significant concern for the city. Coincidently, two hours north of Guanajuato, in a city called Queretaro, where there is a literacy program, Yo Puedo (I Can) founded by ROTARIANS. Therefore, the Mayor asked me to evaluate the program and write a report for the city. The current initiative is through ROTARY involvement in both cities (Guanajuato and Salinas) the Hispanic community can address literacy together and impact both communities on a larger scale.

Salinas Mayor and Rotary District Governor Al Cipres.

After one month of planning I finally made it to Queretaro last week to evaluate the Yo Puedo program and I am working on my report for the Mayor. My hope is to review the documents at the Rotary International Conference with representatives from the Mayor’s club in Salinas and share updates with Don Kremer from our club. This professional opportunity is precisely what I had hoped I would experience as an Ambassadorial Scholar and one of the strengths of the Ambassadorial program. I have been given the chance to put my knowledge and skills into action in the international realm. Furthermore, coordinating and managing an international project dealing with timelines and expectations are invaluable.


Saturday, June 7, 2008

MPSRC Golf Tournament 2008

I've put some photos here: CLICK

And here is a movie (click on the arrow to play):